
The Honor Fight Petition

Whistleblower Disclosures made to Congress related to the State Department must be Investigated to Hold those Responsible Accountable

This petition is calling upon Congress to hold hearings to investigate the allegations of criminal misconduct carried out by high ranking U.S. Department of State government employees. The criminal misconduct allegations were exposed by State Department Whistleblowers Richard Higbie and Aurelia Fedenisn. This criminal misconduct basically falls into two categories: (1) political appointees and senior career diplomats ordered Diplomatic Security Special Agents to shut down criminal investigations into felony allegations of sex crimes, crimes against children, homicide /death investigations, narcotics trafficking, gun trafficking, and other serious violations of the United States Code; (2) political appointees and senior career diplomats who failed to report felonious activity [misprisonment of a felony] ; failed to report crimes against children; tampered with witnesses; tampered with evidence; and made false statements regarding their involvement and effort to cover-up the underlying offenses.

Whistleblowers have contacted Higbie and indicated that the cover-ups have not been fully exposed and have continue to involve a comprehensive effort geared at keeping these unlawful activities secret. Without congressional intervention, the efforts of the State Department to silence those remaining in the Department who have direct knowledge of undisclosed criminal activity related to the same disclosures made by Higbie and Fedenisn.

Congress must also investigate those employees within the State Department who have no respect for confidentiality laws and go to great lengths to disparage those who raise internal complaints and/or blow the whistle. In Higbie's case, every effort was made to disparage him that included breaching his confidentiality from mediation agreements to even using the State Department email system to discuss having illegal aliens use Tech 9's to conduct a drive by shooting at his home.

All employees of the federal government, regardless of their position, are abiding by U.S. law and those who don?t are punished accordingly. No government employee, including Cabinet officials, should be held above the law.