
That All Have the Right to Representation

We, the governed, petition the Federal Government of the United States of America to amend Our Constitution to more appropriately Represent the Will of the People in Our elections.

Over the course of our history, we have been striving toward a point in which our elective process fails to properly represent the Will of the People of these United States.

According to the system established in Our Constitution, geography, not only the Will of the People, shall play a distinct role in our elections, by granting each state more or less Electoral College Votes than appropriate.

According to the system established in Our Constitution, the People are to be ignored, as they may find themselves under the rule of the Majority, and as a result, no longer feel their Vote has any value. For instance, a state in which one Party belongs to an unsurpassable Majority, the Vote of a single Person in the Minority would make no difference in this Winner-Takes-All system of the Electoral College. Therefore, the results of these elections do not accurately represent the Will of the People.

According to the system established in Our Constitution, our Congress shall devolve into Two-Party rule.

We, the Governed, Will that our Federal Government revisits the process how Our Representatives and President achieve their positions.