
Thanksgiving Day Should Remain a Holiday

It has always been a holiday in the past, not a day for stores to be open

There has been a disturbing trend in recent years. No longer is Thanksgiving Day viewed as a family holiday, but it is now seen as an opportunity for the major retailers to get a jump start on these so-called "Black Friday" sales and promotions. It began with midnight openings that have now drifted to as early as 3:00 pm. This is a ploy to eventually move to regular weekday hours on what is traditionally a holiday.

It has now come to a point where, unfortunately, legislation needs to be passed protecting the holiday season. All nonessential and/or frivolous business transactions need to be prohibited on Thanksgiving Day. The major retailers should be required to close their doors before 10:00 pm on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, and not be allowed to open before 6:00 am on the Friday after Thanksgiving. There has been too much emphasis placed on "Black Friday," a term which also needs to be removed from the lexicon. This is not what the holiday season is about.