
Tell Congress to Stop Jailing Men Who Compliment Women

Becoming peacemakers who use peace to solve problems not police.

I dont want this, what happened to me, happening to anyone else, because of someone else's unforgiveness. What happened during the Salem Witch Trials was wrong, how long are we not going to learn from their mistakes. How long are we going to doom ourselves to relive that history? Our country once was a Christian nation where men were free. I would like to be free again to be who I should be. If any of you could find it in your hearts to listen to me would be appreciated. Money should not be wasted in keeping this law in effect, its as futile as the law against drugs is. This law has made my life miserable as I might have already stated. If we discontinued the enforcement of this law in the sense that men are not forced against their will to apologize for something they did not say wrong, banned and jailed for something trivial is would be a step in the right direction. Spending should not be wasted on putting innocent men in jail because they complimented a cashiers clothes,body or gave someone a rose should not be an excuse to threaten someone with jailtime through a ban to scare him away is an injustice. Thats a crime making someone through coercion apologize for a compliment about breasts and cleavage, this police activity should be illegal they should not be allowed to punish mens honesty. And themselves get away with being dishonest and insulting anyone with a word like controversial. One less law, less wasted money.