
Take people with non-violent misdemeanors off sex offender registry

People with non violent misdemeanors shouldn't have their lives taken away forever and their families lives destroyed because of the registry.

The original intent of the sex offender registry list was to inform the public of violent predators and pedophiles. The list has lost its continuity now that any and everyone from urinating in public to flashing has been placed on this list. A list that was once very dark in nature has become gray. Someone who has raped or molested an individual should not be placed in the same category with someone who flashed someone or urinated in public or the like. This list needs to be scrubbed so that its intended purpose can be restored. The list in itself for some citizens has become cruel and unusual punishment. One should not have to pay the rest of their life for a non-violent crime. Let's take indecent exposure for example. These people should not be placed on this list. People are exposed to indecency everywhere they turn, from television advertisement to the internet in itself. Congress don't let the lives of the non violent American citizens go to waste by keeping them on this list. Can we scrub the list and make it more efficient.