
Take Back Thanksgiving with National Gratitude Week

In an opening salvo to reclaim the spirit of Thanksgiving (and the spirit of giving thanks generally) from the commercial interests that have co-opted it, we hereby petition for the establishment of a National Gratitude Week to take place each year d

Thanksgiving has become known more for shopping bargains than for giving thanks. Indeed, a whole lexicon has emerged ? Black Friday, Black Midnight, Cyber Monday, door busters, and so on to describe merchant and shopper frenzy. While we recognize the importance of consumer spending to the economy, we want to encourage people to take back Thanksgiving and interpret the name of the holiday very literally, as it was originally intended. Especially during this time of a coarsening of the national dialogue, and of an us vs. them mentality, expressing gratitude and thanking the ones you love has become more important than ever. So we hereby petition that an entire week be set aside to remember and practice this ? and that is why we are supporting a drive to make the week of Thanksgiving National Gratitude Week, this year and every year.