
Take Action Now For Homeless LGBTQ Youth

H.R.2955 - Runaway and Homeless Youth Inclusion Act of 2013 was introduced to Congress on 08/01/2013. No further action has been taken since 09/13/2013 when it was referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.

While this bill languishes, homeless LGBT youth are needlessly suffering, and there is no justification for the lack of action. Regardless of your political views, we have a moral obligation to these kids who are the most vulnerable of the most vulnerable.

According to the Center For American Progress, a conservative estimate of 320,000 to 400,000 lgbt youth face homelessness each year, but there are only about 4,000 youth shelter beds nationally, putting homeless LGBT kids in the position of surviving unspeakable conditions.

Their day-to-day lives consists of searching for food and safe shelter where they don?t have to worry about being assaulted, raped and murdered. Very often lgbt homeless kids trade sex for food and a bed at night. According to the National Coalition For The Homeless, 58.7% of LGBT homeless youth have been sexually victimized.

The most astounding statistic ? the one that people find so shocking - is 1 homeless LGBT youth dies on the street every 4 hours. 6 die each day. So, in the roughly 392 days since this bill was introduced to Congress, 2,352 LGBT homeless kids have died on the street because of who they are. And, tomorrow, there will be 6 more. And each day thereafter.

Unless I'm reading this incorrectly - - it has been a year of inaction.

What are you waiting for?