Support The FMLA Restoration Act (H.R. 2161)
H.R. 2161 would reverse changes to the Family and Medical Leave Act regulations that were imposed by the Bush administration on Jan. 16, 2009, just four days before he left office.
I urge you to co-sponsor the FMLA Restoration Act (H.R. 2161), introduced by Rep. Carol Shea-Porter on April 29. The bill would roll back the harmful regulatory changes to Family and Medical Leave Act regulations that were imposed by the Bush Administration just four days before he left office.
The Family and Medical Leave Act is important to workers because it ensures that eligible employees can take time off when they suffer from serious health conditions ?- or when their immediate family members do.
The FMLA protects a worker?s right to privacy, but the new regulations undermine the law by permitting employers to contact workers? doctors without their consent. As a result of the changes, many previously-accepted FMLA certifications are being rejected, and workers are being forced to visit their doctors repeatedly for re-certifications at their own expense. H.R. 2161 will reverse the most burdensome changes, and will restore the original intent of the FMLA.
I urge you to co-sponsor this important bill.
Thank you for your consideration.
The Family and Medical Leave Act is important to workers because it ensures that eligible employees can take time off when they suffer from serious health conditions ?- or when their immediate family members do.
The FMLA protects a worker?s right to privacy, but the new regulations undermine the law by permitting employers to contact workers? doctors without their consent. As a result of the changes, many previously-accepted FMLA certifications are being rejected, and workers are being forced to visit their doctors repeatedly for re-certifications at their own expense. H.R. 2161 will reverse the most burdensome changes, and will restore the original intent of the FMLA.
I urge you to co-sponsor this important bill.
Thank you for your consideration.
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