
Support Common Sense Gun Control

Tell congress you support Obama's 'Common Sense' gun control proposals!

On January 16th, 2013, President Obama held a press conference where he called for congress to pass "Common Sense" gun control laws in order to take action against the mass shooting epidemic that is continually affecting American Citizens all across our nation. President Obama's proposal included a ban on assault rifles, a magazine limit of 10 bullets, and a universal background check for all gun sales. These proposals are exactly what President Obama called them, COMMON SENSE! These proposals are NOT and infringement on our 2nd amendment rights. These proposals are NOT going to take guns away from law abiding citizens. These proposals ARE a necessary and logical step forward in trying to slow the mass shooting epidemic that has taken hold of our country. I support President Obama's proposals for common sense gun control laws and I urge you to quickly and swiftly vote to make these proposals law.