
Stop the United Nations global tax.

Prevent the United Nations from creating a

The United Nations has gone to great lengths to force one world governance on each and every person on the planet whether they want it or not. They have relied on membership dues to continue their socially destructive programs,and those programs have resulted in the UN attempting to take control of every country on the globe and govern them under a socialistic and communitarian form of rule where the government controls all aspects of living,all resources and all choices. This form of dictatorial rule is unacceptable as the citizens of the world become slaves to the UN and their governing rule.

The UN is now attempting to remove the sovereignty and liberties of the United States via their Agenda 21 program and small arms treaty. The agenda 21 program is nothing but the UN taking control of our nation's resources and forcing all of our citizens to live in 3rd world conditions were the government controls what we eat,what we use,how we use it and when we are allowed to use it. The small arms treaty is nothing more than the UN attempting to destroy our second amendment rights. This being the issue,I must also mention that agenda 21 and the small arms treaty violates the United States constitution in many ways by allowing a foreign entity,specifically the UN to gain control over the United States and it's affairs. We must remove any and all power of control from the United Nations by not giving them a blank checkbook in which to fund their governance programs. Their checkbook has been our membership dues.

Now,the UN is considering creating a global tax that will eliminate membership dues to fund their programs and activities. The UN has been destructive enough using only membership dues paid by it's members to force it's demands upon the world. They are now forming a global tax that would give them limitless funding if implemented and it would give them tremendous power to dominate countries. Whatever they wanted to do or impose upon nations,they could do without even asking permission. This is extremely destructive and must not be allowed to come to fruition. The UN's power needs to be lessened and not made greater.

The American citizens are formally demanding that congress take swift action opposing this global tax and the small arms treaty by voting against them. The UN,along with the globalists and rich elites are already destroying the very foundation that America was founded and and it must stop now! We, the people of this country are demanding that the UN and it's invasive programs be defunded,our membership with them be terminated,the global tax it proposes be denied and that the UN be removed from our shores.