
Stop The Unfair Treatment Of American Citizens Who Aren\'t Bilingual

It should be against the law to refuse a job to a person who doesnt speak a forgein language.

I am currently actively seeking employment and i am having a hard time finding a job because i dont speak spanish. The only work i have been able to find is field work. I actually love this work, however i end up getting let go because i do not speak spanish. It has nothing to do with my competency. As a matter of fact, without reaizing it a boss gave my work praise. Yet when the supervisors realized he showed my work to others as an example of how to do the job right, i was let go. This is unfair to me as an american citizen. I dont go to mexico and demand that they learn english. Its just not right. I feel there should be a law that forbids an employer to pass up an applicant who cant speak spanish and instead make it a requirment that any mexican who wants to work or reside in our country to learn english. Why should i have to learn their language. They came to my home,the place i was born, therefore they should be the ones having to learn our native language. Someone needs to do something to stop this insanity. They are taking jobs from me and bevause of that my children have to suffer. Its not right in any way ,shape , or form. I am asking you to please make things right and fair for those of us born in the united states. We shouldnt have to suffer because these people have come here by the thousands and basically have begun to overtake our country. Thank you for your consideration.

