
Stop Spraying Chemicals on New York! Stop GeoEngineering!

Airplanes are spraying toxic chemicals into our sky and are poisoning us and polluting our environment. This is being done without our consent. This must STOP!!

As citizens of New York State, we demand that the spraying of chemicals from airplanes (known as Geoengineering, Chemtrails, Weather Modification) be stopped immediately. Many days, we notice white aerosol lines being emitted from jets, which linger, plume out and cover the sky, turning a bright blue sky into a silvery white haze, blocking out the sun. Studies have shown that chemicals including Aluminum, Barium and Strontium are being released into the air, polluting our air, water and soil (1). Our health is also at risk and increased cases of illnesses (asthma, allergies, neurological diseases, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, etc) are being reported (2).

We are deeply concerned about the welfare of our health, our children's health and the health of our environment. We demand that the spraying of toxic aerosols be stopped immediately! We have never been given a vote on this issue and this is being conducted without our consent. We want New York State to investigate this toxic pollution practice and ban it from our state.

