
Stop Repression in East Turkistan

Chines police shot 28 East Turkmen and continue to kill in order to get more power. One should sign this in order to stop China from killing innocent human beings. I do not want anyone dying and would like to protect all human life no matter of relig

I would like to get back to American roots of being the World Power where we stood by innocent who were deliberately killed by others. In todays society China is becoming so powerful they do not follow the world order where treating all humans with respect no matter of their origins. China has been killing man of Turkic origin especially East Turkistan and Uighur Muslims. If we dont stand up by those who are in our needs how can we expect world to respect us as a Nation. This nation was built on respect and caring for other people. If we continue to turn other way what China is doing today to East-Turkmen will be something they will do to us. I am asking US Congress and Senate to take an action and raise their voice to stop killing innocent children, men and women. China must start treating Uighurs with equality, respecting their human rights to life and freedom of religion; honoring China's constitution in respect to Regional Ethnic Autonomy Laws; and start allowing the Uighur people self-determination to pursue their own political, cultural and economical future.