
Stop the repeal of the First Amendment, our Freedom of Speech

Americans who value their unobstructed freedom of speech please sign to stop the repeal of that freedom.

The Constitution of the United States of America is the strongest founding document in the history of any other nation in existence and without it our county would be weak. Our Freedom of Speech along with all the other freedoms contained within the Constitution are America's hope to a brighter future and it's what makes this country stand alone and stand taller than the others. I'm afraid for this country's future when we play around with the notion that we can so easily revoke an amendment that was so valiantly fought for.

Mr. President and Members of Congress, please don't take away our freedoms. Please stand up for the greatest nation on earth, The United States of America, and let us speak our thoughts and opinions plainly without fear of peril or imprisonment.

Yes, peril and imprisonment will follow us as soon as we stop protecting this, our most valuable freedom, Speech.