
Stop killing Christians in Egypt By Egyptain Army

It is our time to protect our families in Egypt and it is the time to stop the egyptian army lies

Dear US President / Congress

It is your time to act now, your silance about what happened in egypt is not acceptable. Killing Christians by egyptian army which is funded by US goverment means one thing;

It means that you are supporting the agressive policies of egyptian army against Coptic Christians in egypt. Our christian families in egypt are suffering and no one is helping. I ask god to open your eyes to see the truth about the egyptian army. The egyptian army is joined by Islamic Extremist to burn churchs and kills Christians. Do you know why they kill us in egypt because they hate America and they look at America as christian community so they cant killl you that is why they kill us in Egypt.

America has stong resposabilies around the wold with limited funding but you can try to do what is right and god will not stop working to help his people in Egypt.