
Stop Gun Confiscation Bill: HR 226

Gutless Bovine, Rep. Rosa Delauro attempts yellow-bellied gun snatch

Yet another half-baked, cretinous Congressional Member attempts a larcenous play at gun grabbing which is FURTHER EVIDENCE that the 2nd Amendment rights of Average Americans ARE-UNDER-ATTACK by Anti-Gun Interests.

Rep. Rosa Delauro (D-Conn) has introduced bill H.R. 226:

"To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow a credit against

tax for surrendering to authorities certain assault weapons."

This Cancerous bill contains an exhaustive list of erroneously labeled ?assault weapons? that will garner a $2,000 tax credit, including the much demonized Bushmaster AR-15 allegedly used in the Newtown Sandy Hook massacre.

In no uncertain terms, this bill is a Blatant Attempt to coerce and deceive the American Public into giving up their Right To Bear Arms, for Life and Liberty through Gun Confiscation via Monetary Incentive.


A trick whose only purpose is to fool Americans into "willingly" throwing away their Constitutional Rights.

We see straight through Rep. Delauro, We see her absolutely, unequivocally Violating Her Oath Of Office and betraying not Only her constituents, but EVERY American Nationwide.

We, The Undersigned, FIERCELY DEMAND that our Congressional representatives of our respective states BLOCK the passing of this nauseating attempt (H.R. 226) towards the THEFT of our Rights to Bear Arms.