
Stop the dumping of mercury into the great lakes!!!!

Stop mercury dumping by BP and the EPA into lake michigan.

Recently i found out that the EPA is going to let BP dump mercury into lake michigan. That is wrong, michiganders love their lakes, we fish, we swim, and we teach our families how to be families on these lakes. I f we let companies just dump whatever they want into them your killing the fish and messin with the water table. I am a swimmer, i love swimming in the great lakes and as the years go by there are less and less areas to swim in, I want this pettition to show the goverment and BP thatwe need to keep the toxins out not add to them, we need our lakes for our children so when they have kids they get to visit the great lakes and rlive their childhood with our grandchildren. I hope people will read this and join me in the fight.