

Save chronic pain sufferers and help us live a quality life

Please help! We are seriously good people not drug addicts. We suffer spinal cord diseases, injuries and surgeries gone bad. We suffer chronic pain 24/7. The new laws have made it extremely hard for people like us to get enough pain medication to truly get thru the day, week or month. We suffer some days with no medication because the dosage is not enough or insurance won't cover it because of the extra amount and drug stores won't fill because of the new DEA laws. You are causing good people to withdraw and STOP living. Because of the chronic pain good folks are not leaving their homes due to the pain we suffer. I have degenerative disc disease. My bones are crumbling away. I have had 2 major fusion surgeries on my spine. One in my whole cervical neck and one in my lower back fusions with screws and metal rods. Also I have had a complete Knee replacement. This has caused even more chronic pain. We need to STOP BEING TREATED LIKE DRUG ADDICTS! Pain medication like opiates, oxycodone and others are truly helpful in our quality of life. They truly help us get up and move around and live a good quality of life. Otherwise we stay home and feel like dying because the pain is so bad and we can't get our medication. Some folks just commit suicide because they can't get their pain meds and because Drs. just don't care or are afraid of the DEA reactions. We are the ones who truly need this medication and are suffering the most with these new laws. PLEASE HELP US CHANGE THE NEW LAWS BACK TO HELP CHRONIC PAIN SUFFERERS. I'm sure there is a way to diagnose just who we are. Look at my medical records. You would be in chronic pain too. THANK YOU