
Stop Corrupt Family Court and Child Abuse Proceedings

Please sign to stop the corrupt family court and child abuse proceedings from happening all around the USA.

Everyone of you Congressmen and women need to stop turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the common person telling you about the corruption that is going on in family court and in child abuse proceeding. These supposed court hearings are ripping innocent children that never had a care in the world away from loving families. Then they are placing these children in homes where they are getting abused, neglected and where no one loves or cares whether they have a warm meal or whether its their birthday. The court system can care less that they are permanently handicapping our babies mentally. My own precious children are now suffering from reactive attachment disorder (and their is probably mean more children doing so) but yet the DHHR swears that it is in the best interest that my children remain in foster care and not see or hear from anyone that they once knew and loved. How is that good for children I ask? Every single one of you elected to represent the people of this nation need to get up off your asses and pay attention to what is going on in these loving homes of your poorer constituants. Quit being lazy and just signing shit without reading it first. Little do you realize you damages America's youth. Quit worring about what is going on in foriegn countries and start worring about what is happening in your own backyard. These children are crying out to be with their parents but the so called government is alienating them away from the people that really care. Most of the children that are in your foster cares are their do to some snotty nosed little bitch that probably don't have kids and don't know jack about raising any trumping up some kind of neglect charge against good hard working parents. Everyone of you know that this is a load of crap. So what I want you to do, and many other voting Americans want you to do, is get up off your lazy, overpaid, fat asses and do something to save out children from being addicted to drugs, in prison and on welfare. Because statistically that is what happens to 90 some persent of all children in foster care. Do your research and do something about this tragedy that is sweeping America instead of worring about something you can't fix. Thank you.