
Stand for Marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman!

Male and female were made for each other. It is the human design. It is basic science and common sense. Stop the special rights movement. Stand for real marriage between a man and a woman.

Instead of thinking what might happen if homosexual marriage is legalized, lets look at what is happening in the Netherlands where homosexual marriage was first legalized. It was first made legal there in 2001.

Today in the Netherlands they have made it legal for Pedophile groups to advocate for the "rights of pedophiles" The Dutch Pedophile Political Party Wants Legal Sex Age Of 12.

They make out as if they want more rights for children. But their position that children should be allowed sexual contact from age 12 is just in their own interest.

Today in the Netherlands - Boris Dittrich, the homosexual activist called the ?father? of the political movement in favor of Dutch homosexual marriage said "The redefinition of marriage has led to discussions of allowing group marriages of three or more persons"

He predicted that this next step ?will take a lot of years.?

In their 2006 statement ?Beyond Same-Sex Marriage, A New Strategic Vision For All Our Families & Relationships,? more than 300 ?LGBT and allied? scholars and advocates? including prominent Ivy League professors?called for legal recognition of sexual relationships involving more than two partners.

Today in the Netherlands churches are being forced to conduct homosexual marriages in any church the homosexual couple wants, even against the churches religious beliefs. If they refuse, then they will get replaced until they find a pastor that will. This is disrespectful not only to the pastor and the members of that church, but also to every member of that religion.

There is more here than the illusion of "equality" It is about destroying the real meaning of marriage.

Masha Gessen-Homosexual Activist said:

?Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there ? because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don?t think it should exist. "

In Germany they just marched for "equal rights" to love. Claiming they have the right to love animals. It may sound funny, but it is true. They had a march for bestiality rights.

This is going to be America soon. Not only is homosexual marriage bad for children and society, but it will, and already has started other "redefinitions" to what marriage is.

I ask you not only to ban all marriages, except for between a man and a woman, but also reverse the laws in the states where it was forced onto the state without a vote, then allow the states that did vote on it where it was made legal to be allowed to repeal it and make it illegal. I feel that it was "snuck" in to being allowed. Just like in the liberal state of CA, they snuck it in. When people found out, they were furious. That is how they got proposition 8.

Stop this special rights political movement.