
Spending Scam

As a duly elected member of the United States Congress, you have a duty and obligation to use taxpayer dollars to help EVERY American, not to prioritize spending on radical, far-left Democrat wish-lists. Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer want to spend trillions of dollars in public funds, not on actual infrastructure, but on liberal giveaways. Infrastructure spending sounds good if you're talking about building and repairing roads, bridges, airports, the U.S. energy grid and other important projects. But, to radical Democrats, infrastructure is whatever they want it to be. Far-left lawmakers are on record promoting paid leave, childcare, "caregiving," police accountability, affordable housing, fighting "climate change" and packing the Supreme Court as "infrastructure."
Mr. Biden's latest spending scam is $4.7 trillion to finance Democrat wish-lists of progressive, "pork" spending that must be stopped! I'm faxing today to urge you to fight against the radical-leftist, taxpayer-funded giveaways disguised as "infrastructure" spending bills. Radical Democrats cannot be allowed to pass their larger, highly partisan, $3.5 trillion spending bill via budget reconciliation, WHICH WOULD NOT REQUIRE A SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTE! Democrats will spare no cost when it comes to enacting unhinged progressivism, literally, at the expense of hard-working, American taxpayers! That's why these boondoggles MUST BE STOPPED! So, Senator, I'm calling on you to challenge and block this legislation. Please vote against any and all falsely bipartisan, pork-filled legislation, while working to convince your GOP colleagues to do the same. Mr. Biden, Ms. Pelosi, Mr. Schumer and their fellow radical Democrats must NOT be allowed to pass these obscene, trillion-dollar cash-grabs for special interests.
Finally, I want to add that if you're one of the 18 RINO Senators who shockingly stood with Democrats to support a $1-trillion "infrastructure" bill that didn't actually exist: SHAME ON YOU! On July 21, EVERY Republican Senator refused to support the "bipartisan" legislation because it had not even been written yet. But exactly one week later, 17 "Republican" Senators sided with Senate Minority Leader Schumer by voting "Yes" -- even though, as Sen. Tim Scott tweeted, "There's still no legislative text or explanation on how to pay for a $1T infrastructure plan." I urge you to take immediate action to "Stop The Spending Scam!" Please note that I am monitoring your response to my urgent call to action. Thank you for your time and attention regarding this important fight to save our nation from full-blown socialism.
A Taxpaying, American Citizen