
Social Media Should Stop Targeting Legitimate CBD Companies

It is well documented that CBD is a natural compound derived from the cannabis plant. CBD product does not get you high, and no significant adverse effects have been reported. CBD is transforming the lives of people all around the world. It does not make one high, but rather one that aids individuals in dealing with pain & other difficulties. These are far safer alternative to pain medication!

CBD oil consumers are aware of the distinction between CBD produced from marijuana and CBD generated from INDUSTRIAL HEMP. Many patients have switched from prescription medicines (such as epilepsy, anxiety, and depression treatments) to CBD, discovering that it provides many of the same advantages as medical marijuana, that too without the psychotropic side effects.

Despite this, many social media including Facebook and government target CBD companies in the United States and the United Kingdom for no apparent reason. Social media platforms unpublish pages for "promoting sale of prescription products." The vast majority of CBD products are not regarded pharmaceutical medicines, with the exception of a few FDA-approved CBD-containing treatments. Despite numerous requests, most of the pages are banned.

While the same social media website profits from pharmaceutical industry advertisements, but the natural product and far less dangerous alternates are hidden from public.

Let’s fight to keep hemp derived CBD products lawful to buy, sell & possess. 1000's of small business that sell CBD products derived from hemp rely on this.

Sign the petition to let social media websites know that you have noticed that you do not like the pharmaceutical lobby to rule the social media website, and you are concerned about the small enterprises who are getting affected by such actions.

When you sign this petition, you will be helping to keep CBD products derived from Hemp, you will be supporting local business and you will be supporting the freedom of choice.