
Save Social Security by Getting Rid of It

In the BEGINNING, Government took a portion of its tax receipts and put it on the SS books as an asset. Politicians discovered that, in deficit years, the SS Ledger could be kept in balance by substituting government Special Obligation Bonds instead for actual treasury certificates. That being so easy, it got to be like an opiate that could be satisfied at will. And it was willed often. The government requires that private company pension funds have at least some real money backing their obligation. Exempting itself from just about any Law it deems fit, it has done so in the case of Social Security. We The People demand that if the Government demands a portion of our earnings shall be invested for our, the peoples, future that it be held by a more honest fiduciary than the Federal Government. The government has proved time after time its inability to solve its own created problems and thusly, we the people demand that it relinquish the effort to solve the Social Security fraud to a moral body composed of two professional financial experts from each state by any measure determined by each state independently. The appointment of each member shall be confirmed by the United States Senate in accordance with existing Senate confirmation rules.