Please sign so we can help fight the corruption going in in the United States of America under the Dept. Of DCFS or CPS. And change their guidelines back to what the agency was created help the American family. Social Workers only have to work part-time and get promised bonuses that are over 3 times their annual pay foe adopting kids out or sending them out of state. These bonuses NEED to be eliminated. Also these workers, some of which have criminal backrounds should not be allowed the authority to destroy families with no questions asked. They shouldn't be social workers at all. There should be a panel that comes in, investigates, offer help when needed that would actually help with their situations, and watch over the family on a regular basis until determined by this panel that they are no longer needed. Please sign and help me get on the floor of congress, senate and the president if he has time to deal with a very serious situation going on right here in our own Country.
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