
Save Head Start 2017

Head Start means success for low income children, a level playing field when they enter kindergarten – and readiness throughout their school years. In fact, children who've gone to Head Start are significantly more likely to graduate high school and attend college than if they hadn't.

But Head Start is under attack. Please save this unique program that provides a range of supports including vision, hearing and dental screenings, social services, parent engagement -- along with a superior, full day, full year education program. It's the Gold Standard!

For 52 years – decades of research-based child development, continuous innovation, and proven results – Head Start has served 33 million at-risk children from birth to age 5 and strengthened families.

Head Start children become adults who thrive and contribute to society, adults who raise families themselves and are ready to pursue the American dream.

And parents become empowered advocates for their children and community and have access to education, job training and special programs that enable them to move up the economic ladder.

Please join us in stepping up and speaking out! Urge your colleagues to maintain Head Start rather than turn it into a federal block grant which would dismantle America's premier early education program, a model created by the best and the brightest.

Such action could keep our poorest children from realizing their full potential. One million low income children who face the biggest hurdles imaginable deserve every opportunity.

Your leadership motivates others. Your words have impact. Your actions inspire people to think about what matters and take action. Please save Head Start!