
Restore The Pipeline

Retirement dollars are coming back to main street

Recently I?ve come to fully appreciate the long term financial consequences of the 1983 short term Social Security fix, and Its impact on our national economy. As a result working Americans have overpaid their SS taxes by as much as 27% annually. Billions of dollars in personal payroll savings that previously flowed into local financial institutions funding business expansion and new job growth, was under this plan diverted to the Social Security trust fund. Consequently millions of jobs were lost, and personal savings accounts vanished all under the headline of saving Social Security.

The issue was further complicated when a swap scheme sent excess retirement dollar contributions to the general revenue fund in exchange for a government backed debt instrument known as a special obligation bond or SOB. This exchange put those same working Americans on the hook to pay again that which they had already paid once. 10,000 baby boomers a day are eligible for retirement, and all we have to show for those excess SS retirement dollar contributions is a 2.6 trillion dollar SOB debt. This serves as a vivid reminder of what happens when BIG government sticks its BIG nose and its BIG ideas into the people?s business; more often than not, we the people end up with BIG problems.

I?ve concluded no one has been speaking up on behalf of middle class Americans like me. Therefore I'm pledging my support to the REAL JOE movement, an army of middle class Americans like myself that are supportive of a march to end this madness. Further, I?m calling on you as my elected representative to review the information found at the web site, and give your consideration to a proposal that restores the financial pipeline to main street America, begins rebuilding the nation?s infrastructure, creates millions of new jobs, and eliminates trillions of dollars of debt. Over the coming weeks please expect a live on the air call from the REAL JOE radio show where you can share your thoughts on this proposal, and deliver some plausible explanation as to why this issue hasn't received the attention it deserves.

In closing may I remind you of a valuable currency we all possess, it?s called trust. Whether it?s between a person and their dog, a husband and a wife, or a people and their government, once violated it loses considerable value, and right now, like the U.S. dollar, my trust in my government has reached the tipping point.