
Restore All Assistance to the Palestinian People!

25 April 2020
The U.S. Congress, President Trump:

The administration of President Donald Trump has cut off humanitarian aid to Palestine and now it wants to cruelly derail Pandemic assistance to Gaza, the third most densely populated area in the world! The horrific status of occupied Palestine (Gaza and the West Bank) is due to Israeli restrictions on Occupied Palestine and moreover, the United States, because of its unconditional support of Israel's policies and the unconditional 8 billion US dollars a year we dole out to Israel, shares blame, and is complicit in this terrible status.

Additionally, contrary to what the President may believe and shout, he is not doing Israel any favors by his insensitivity and meanspiritedness towards the indigenous Palestinian people. He is causing a huge segment of the world's population to despise Israel and the United States and this has and will result in reprisals against our Jewish brethren, the escalation of anti-Semitism. and ill-will towards our own country (USA).

It is our (the US) responsibility, and moral/ethical duty to provide the long-suffering
native peoples of Palestine our assistance and our total support in their quest for freedom and self-determination and to ensure the safeguarding of their human rights.


Rev. Stephen (Brackens) Brinkley
San Diego, California USA 92101