
Reparation for Descendants of African American slavery

Reparations for descendants of African American slavery

We the people born the descendants of African American slavery declare that slavery and it's on going inequalities are against the evolution of humanity. Our ancestors endured brutality, discrimination and all sorts of atrocities that are unimaginable. This country has made an enormous amount of progress from the days that our ancestors were kidnapped from their home, kidnapped from their villages and families and labeled in the original constitution as 3/5 of a human being or the equivalent to cattle. We the people ask for mercy from this government that was founded on the ideal that normal people could govern themselves. We are in poverty here in America because of the discriminating system of Jim Crow and the institution of slavery itself. With reparations granted to me and my petitioners we can put an end to racism and the unjust inequalities our families have endured. We ask that our properties be tax free for an agreed upon amount of time, an agreed upon amount of money paid to us in a lump sum to compensate for the hours our ancestors were enslaved. We also ask for a foundation to be created in the name of Reparation for Slavery Committee to combat racial division with an agreed upon lump sum to fund this program, An agreed upon bi-yearly payment to me and my petitioners for an agreed upon amount of time. With these tools we can fix all racial division issues, and all inequalities in America.