
Remove Voting Machines owned by companies affiliated with George Soros and replace with paper ballots.

The very validity of the vote guaranteed to Americans is at stake due to the use of voting machines provided by Smartmatic, a U.K.corporation, and other companies where George Soros has influence. Fraudulent switching of votes was proven in the 2012 Presidential election and as much as possible, must not be allowed to occur again. Numerous cases of fraudulent switching of votes has already been documented in the 2016 election. The very heart of what America was founded on, what it is and its future are at stake, for itself and the sake of all peoples of Earth.

We, the People of the United States demand that all voting machines provided by companies who have any affiliation with George Soros, be removed before the election and paper ballots be used in their place. This is a late and is assuredly a huge undertaking, but the United States of America is not unfamiliar with demanding and challenging tasks as our past has shown. And our record in succeeding despite the challenges is exemplary. We ask members of Congress, the House and Senate to rally together with the American People and accomplish this to procure the validity of the 2016 general election. And may God help us.