
Remove Committee Assignments From Members of Congress Who Support Terrorists

Hamas terrorists carried out despicable crimes against humanity on innocent unarmed civilians in Israel. The evidence of these atrocities comes from Hamas’s own social media posts as they filmed and posted their genocidal atrocities too horrible to even imagine. Hamas has proudly publicized their murderous members as they went door to door in small Towns brutally raping and murdering children in front of their parents, massacring entire families in their homes, burning alive elderly and disabled people, torturing and kidnapping dozens of unarmed civilians and the list of atrocities goes on. These evil criminal acts on our ally Israel have resulted in over 4000 people dead or wounded and must be univocally condemned by all people of good conscience.

Unfortunately, some people have tried to justify, or defend these savage criminals and in doing so are complicit in these crimes.

This is Israel’s 9/11 tragedy.
We must be clear.
It's simply good vs. evil.

We are deeply troubled by the actions and statements of some members of the Democratic Party in Congress, such as Rashida Tlaib, who have attempted to rationalize genocidal attacks on unarmed Israeli citizens.

Likewise, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Cori Bush have shown support for Hamas, which we find concerning. Their efforts, as members of the U.S. Congress, to hinder a sovereign government and a steadfast ally of the United States from responding to this inhumane act of barbarism is an affront to the principles we hold dear as Americans. Their words and deeds can only be interpreted as complicity in these crimes against humanity.

As President Obama noted the Democratic Party must “…stand squarely alongside our ally, Israel, as it dismantles Hamas.”

In light of the fact that some of the victims of this Hamas atrocity are American citizens, it is unconscionable that the Democratic Party would allow these members of congress to gain leadership roles or become a leading voice of the party. As Rep. Ritchie Torres noted, their behavior is nothing short of “repulsive”.

We call on the leadership of the Democratic Party to lead by not just condemning the statements and actions of these members, but to take real action by removing them from their committee assignments. Their judgement has been proven to be inadequate and not aligned with our American liberal values of freedom and justice. The Democratic Party must not allow these enablers of terrorism to be the face of the Party.