
Removal of the Phrase \"In God We Trust\" From The Union Paper Money

Institute the separation of Church and State that the United States Constitution mandates.

Since the genesis of this great nation we all know as the United States of America, we have grown accustomed to the grand ideals of freedom and self-determination. The nation has a constitution in place that clearly details the self evident rights we hold as citizens of this great Union. Both the Founding Fathers and the Constitution clearly stated that the Government and the Church (or any religious institution) should be separate. Yet, we still find our monetary goods to be labeled with the phrase "In God We Trust".

As a citizen of this Union, I urge the members of both the Senate and House of representatives to respect and uphold the Constitution. And in order to uphold it to every virtue, the first step we can collectively take as a nation is the removal of the phrase "In God We Trust" from all paper monies. It's a simple move that will further promote American ideals and truly show the separation between Church and State.

I am signing this petition in order to secure this government that has become intertwined with religion. This is not an attack on religion. It has it's place. This is a call to the representatives who have sworn to uphold the Constitution and all its amendments to the American people. That is why it is urged that the first step to take in this process is to remove the term "In God We Trust" from all paper monies. For the preservation of the Union, and the ideals that you members of Congress have sworn to uphold.