
Removal of Government Officials for Supporting Hamas

Several members of Congress and U. S. Government officials have shown support of Palestinian Hamas Terrorists, through public statements, displaying symbols and flags on U.S. Government property in solidarity with the designated terrorist organization, Hamas. This is overt anti-semitism. Their actions are also providing moral and political support of Terrorist activities on the international stage. These actions are not consistent with their oaths of office, antithetical to official U.S. Policy regarding U. S. Allies. These actions are possibly in violation of the Patriot act by providing material support to terrorist organizations. We the People demand the immediate removal of these individuals from all U.S. Government offices, jobs, and positions of influence and authority within our governmental operations, never to be allowed to hold any office at the local, state, and federal level. These people have publicly displayed their support of the beheading of infants, rape of women, and murder of unarmed innocent civilians and this must not be allowed at any level within our government and demands immediate action. We the People Demand investigations and immediate removal of everyone that has shown support of the international terrorists known as Hamas.