
Put America Back To Work

Restoring Middle Class America

I?m a middle class American, and like millions of other middle class Americans I?m finding it increasingly difficult to keep my head above water, forget getting ahead. Recently I?ve become aware of how Social Security has, and is being used to obligate me and millions more like me to significant new debt.

Over the last 15 years Social Security has taken an average of 23% more in Social Security taxes than needed to fund retiree obligations. To date these over payments total more than 2.6 trillion dollars, and now I find each dollar of over payment was turned into a new dollar of debt that puts us on the hook to pay again. This is but one of the reasons for me to contact your office.

There are significant other issues surrounding Social Security that no one is talking about, and certainly no one is addressing. So I?m sharing the links found below that has helped to broaden my knowledge base regarding this issue, and hopefully it will raise your awareness level.

I?m suggesting that after review, you use the office we?ve entrusted you with to raise this issue to the level it deserves. Further as a demonstration of your support for addressing this issue, and as a pledge to initiate this debate, I would ask you join me by adding your name to the growing list of REAL JOE Army members found at this web site: (note the special designation ID for members of congress).

Over the next few weeks you?re offices will receive a live ?on the air? call from the REAL JOE radio show to hear your thoughts and plans regarding this important issue. You may contact the REAL JOE radio show at:

Millions of middle class Americans, their families, and their communities are counting on you, and I?m hopeful my trust will not be violated a second time.

The Issues Surrounding Social Security:

Social Security-the proposal:

It?s Our America: (short vid):