
Protect our Children

It's time to protect our families.

I know our government has many branches with many departments who oversee many things. My question is who oversees them? There is one department with so much power I honestly believe they have a God complex. DCFS / CPS has the power to terrorize families and tear them apart. They can kidnap your children in the name of our government for no reason, then make something up after the fact and even committ perjury in court and get away with it. Even if there was a reason for their removal and you do everything required of you and turn your life around, if your child/children are adoptable then this department will do everything they can to make sure you don't get them back. From lying, to feigning ignorance and yes, even breaking the law, they will make your life a living hell; and who holds them accountable? No one!!! As a mother it is my fundamental duty, my privilege, and my right to protect my children. These people have taken that away from me. They are domestic terrorists and they work for our government. We, the people, need to remind them that they are human just like us and that you will pay the consequences for breaking the law no matter who you are or who you work for. We also need to make sure the federal government stops offering incentives (money) to these departments for adopting out children because money can make people do crazy things. We need to let these people know that tearing families apart does not guarantee job security. We need to turn it around and give them incentives for keeping families together. There needs to be an oversight committee comprised of people from the community who oversees the department and every case involved in a dependency. They actually do this in other states. We, the people, need to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity; this is why the constitution was written, this is why the revolution was fought. I will fight to protect my family and everything that stands for. It's time to bring our children home. Who's with me?