
Prohibit Door to Door Vaccine Information & ID Collection

We the undersigned are concerned about the recent measures being taken to form "Health Ambassador" teams to go door to door, documenting American's vaccine and health status. We the undersigned, REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS, feel this is in direct violation of our Right to Privacy and feel secure in our own homes.

We the undersigned respectfully request that Members of Congress uphold their Oath to protect the American people and their Right to Privacy, and uphold existing Laws guaranteeing the right to be free from such Privacy Violations.

We the undersigned petition our Elected Officials to PASS a Law that prohibits the door-to-door collection of vaccine status, as well as any attempt by the Government, the vaccine industry, or the use of other entities to create a method to collect the vaccine status of individuals, including soliciting information from physicians, hospitals and clinics to create an identifying database of vaccinated vs non-vaccinated Americans.