
Prayer in School

Place Prayer Back in Schools

May 15, 2012

Congress & President Obama we are asking you to support placing prayer back into schools.

It is our experience that prayer changes, things, situations and people. Our children our practically raising themselves with no direction. We are concerned about our next generation.

Young men and women need guidance and instructing on how to go to God in prayer for His leading and guidance in good and bad times. Inputing prayer back into schools will give young men and women a daily opportunity to go to God in the morning before continuing on with their daily activities and to acknowledge Him in all their ways and He can and will direct their paths. We believe this will cut down school violence and assist young adults in managing their anger problems they are facing today. Our money in the United States states" In God We Trust" Let's come together collectively, collaboratively and cooperatively and place prayer back in schools and let God have His perfect way in their lives and in the instructors that teach them.