Please support H. Res. 173
Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States Postal Service should take all appropriate measures to ensure the continuation of its 6-day mail delivery service.
Please Support H. Res. 173 to continue 6 day mail delivery by the USPS.
6-day mail delivery service is an essential service that the American people have relied on since 1912, particularly working families that depend on the Postal Service for the timely delivery of their paychecks;
Social Security is the primary or sole source of income for many senior citizens, and any delay in the delivery of their Social Security checks would make it difficult for them to purchase even essential items, such as food and medicine.
Reducing mail delivery service to 5 days a week would inevitably cause not only delays in the delivery of mail, but higher postal costs, due to the many hours of additional overtime that the Postal Service would require in order to handle the resulting back-up of mail.
People depend on regular mail delivery and ordinary postal customers and businesses would be greatly inconvenienced by missing a day of mail delivery. Losing one day of delivery would stretch to 3 days when the additional day is combined with Sunday and a Monday holiday. Delays like this could essentially drive mail to private carriers who might deliver 6 days a week.
Please support H. Res. 173
6-day mail delivery service is an essential service that the American people have relied on since 1912, particularly working families that depend on the Postal Service for the timely delivery of their paychecks;
Social Security is the primary or sole source of income for many senior citizens, and any delay in the delivery of their Social Security checks would make it difficult for them to purchase even essential items, such as food and medicine.
Reducing mail delivery service to 5 days a week would inevitably cause not only delays in the delivery of mail, but higher postal costs, due to the many hours of additional overtime that the Postal Service would require in order to handle the resulting back-up of mail.
People depend on regular mail delivery and ordinary postal customers and businesses would be greatly inconvenienced by missing a day of mail delivery. Losing one day of delivery would stretch to 3 days when the additional day is combined with Sunday and a Monday holiday. Delays like this could essentially drive mail to private carriers who might deliver 6 days a week.
Please support H. Res. 173
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