
Please Resign Representative Trey Radel

Dear Congress & President Obama,

With the recent arrest of Representative Trey Radel, over his use of cocaine is absolutely ?unacceptable and unforgivable" to the American people. His actions are nothing but a disgrace to this country, and we request that this man be removed from office immediately! The court gives him one year probation for his punishment, which is an OUTRAGE! This man IS NOT fit to serve this country with his illegal, wrongful actions!! And then Rep. Radel blames his cocaine use on his alcohol addiction? That is not good justification for what he did!!

What another shameful Bad apple from our ?TRUSTED Elected Officials?. This certainly isn?t the example I want shown to our next generation to come. Please kindly remove this man from public office immediately. This man stands against the right principles of the American people. Thank you!