
Please end the secret Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations

Save and grow the U.S. economy with "Made in USA" consumer products.

The Trans Pacific Partnership is designed to further undermine the U.S. economy, American manufacturing, manufacturing jobs and the jobs that are created by Americans working in the manufacturing. You must intervene on these talks; force these negotiations to be public, hold public hearings in the House and the Senate and help end the further demise of the U.S. economy.

Most of the Americans who are now unemployed can trace their previous employment to manufacturing in the United States. No vocation in the United States can be done without manufactured products. One manufacturing facility with 500 employees from management to maintenance can contribute $10,000 per hour to a local economy. This puts small businesses in a position to expand, new businesses to start and grow, local services like firefighters, police, libraries, schools are funded with local tax-dollars without increasing local or state taxes or getting more federal help by taxing the middle-class and small businesses.

If one third of the total unemployed Americans, about 8 million people, had direct manufacturing employment opportunities, those wages will go into the economy. We must produce more consumer products in the United States to grow the economy. We must stop exporting American jobs; this will reduce social service expenses by the federal, state and local governments.