
petition to Congress to enact a law to make homeowners association illegal.

HOA's are unconstitutional, they disregard freedom of speech of homeowners and even allow board members to enter private property without permission.

This countries ideals were founded on "freedom". Freedom of speech. Freedom to own your own land. freedom!  HOA's are interfering with peoples freedom of speach (read the print) and your ability to do what you want and how you want to do it on the land you own.  HOA's are intrusive, abusive, and decrease the quality of life and value of your home. Realtors I have talked to say if there are two homes, one in an HOA and another outside an HOA.  Most will buy outside of an HOA. This HOA went so far as to take pictures of the stairs down from the deck and the retaining wall that was added to my home even before I moved in. It added value to this property, as was stated in the meeting by one of the board members, however they voted to accept the stairs, how generous of them, and fine the builder, (money in their pocket) for not bowing to their controlling board members. I was not allowed to speak. There were permits from the city as needed. HOA's have rules and regulations that are in complete opposition to the constitution of the United States. Who cares if one neighbors house is modern and another is craftsman. The United States was founded on individuality and freedom.  If you feel like I do that a law needs to be enacted to make HOA's illegal and against the constitution or at the very least severely restrict their ability to interfere with your right as a US citizen to freedom of speech and freedom to own and have freedom within the zoning laws and having proper building permits on the land you OWN please sign this petition. This HOA has the right to and states homeowners  have no right to speak when it comes to decisions on our own home and at many of the meetings. The board has the right to come onto homeowners private property and inspect any improvements If I have a contractor who has gotten permits, i say STAY OFF MY LAND! If it is Joe the neighbor who cuts my lawn when I don't feel up to it and wants to see the new addition come in and have a cup of coffee.