Petition for Recognizing Gastroparesis as a Disability by the SSA
This is a debilitating illness that in severe cases leaves individuals home bound and unable to work.
This petition is being created in the hopes of one day having the Social Security Administration recognize Gastroparesis as a disability. We are asking congress to support this request by the people. This condition is a very debilitating illness. It causes severe stomach pain, bloating, vomiting, and nausea; to mention just a few of the symptoms. It can lead to malnourishment, due to lack of appetite; loss of income, due to termination of employment caused by numerous missed work days; and being restricted to a home bound lifestyle, due to complications of the illness and constant sickness. In severe cases, Gastroparesis can also lead to death, due to starvation from the inability eat and digest food properly; infections and complications in patients who are on feeding tubes or Parenteral Nutrition (TPN); and very serious surgeries that cannot be reversed and that reduce the quality of life greatly. In addition, there are usually other health conditions that are associated with this illness. We desperately need Gastroparesis recognized as a disability by the SSA, for those who are severely suffering and can no longer hold down a job. We are entitled to these benefits and should be able to receive them. Gastroparesis is on the rise, which is why we need to make this a reality. In a study published by Current Gastroenterology Reports in 2007, 29% of people had developed Gastroparesis as a result of having Diabetes; 36% of people had idiopathic Gastroparesis (cause unknown); and in 13% of the people, it was caused by complication of surgeries. There are approximately 5 million people in just the United States living with this horrible illness. It is now time to take a stand and force our congressmen and government officials to listen to us and see that something is done to make this happen. Please sign this petition and make your voice heard!! Thank you!
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