
Petition for investigation and criminal proceedings into Elected Democrat officials,George Soros,for attempting to overthrow the United States Government

We the people have spent the better part of 8 years,watching a multitude crimes being perpetrated from the Democrat party against the citizens they serve. These crimes are extensive,ongoing,and designed to deny citizens their constitutional rights,to completely undermine our national security,with the eventual goal of overthrowing our current system of government. We demand a special Prosecutor to investigate Top Democrat senators,congressman and their defacto head,George Soros,for their ties to Muslim Brotherhood and their known front groups,their acual ties to Russian Oligarchs,providing arms,funding to known terrorists organization s. As well as the Ongoing seditious movement they publicly endorse,using allies in the media,known muslim brotherhood front group CAIR,and George Soros 187 NGO'S,to target a supporters of the current Residing President. This movements purpose is to deny a large section of the population their 1st,2nd and 4th amendment rights,by publicly calling for violence,publicly calling for riots,the former President Obama using taxpayer money to fund his open seditious movement known as The OFA,whose sole goal is to force either impeachment or the resignation of the current democratically elected President Donald .J.Trump.

We the people demand the that our government forensic agencies immediately and thoroughly examine the Podesta servers for proof of who hacked those Servers,as no evidence currently exists,as the actual server has never been examined by our government forensic agencies. Never in the history of the United States,has an ongoing investigation been ordered and carried out against a sitting president,with absolutely no examination of the physical evidence(ie the actual server that was supposedly hacked). We have democrat congressman and senators,including 2 known GOP senators(John Mccain,Lindsey Graham) working in concert with George Soros,to overthrow the sitting president,overthrow our existing government, provoke a major military conflict with our most advanced nuclear capable adversary,Russia. A move that if successful,would lead to a nuclear exchange,killing possibly hundreds of millions of US citizens,you have all sworn to protect. The evidence is clear,it is very public,and is considered a coordinated act of treason. We demand any investigation into Russian collusion,be expanded to include all those mentioned above,as we already have proof of democrat and some gop collusion,dating back to 2008. To include sales of US uranium mines to Russian oligarchs,lobbying the Russian government for campain donations,numerous pay to play operations. We have more than enuff public evidence that the Democrat party,aided by Mccain/Graham, has been providing and lobbying to provide weapons and other support to terrorist org's known as ISIS,Al nusra front,Al Queda,HAMAS,Muslim Brotherhood,Al Shabab etc.