
Paying too much child support!!!!

Dads are being made to pay pretty much 100% on children that two people brought into this world, make the other parent split it 50\50.

I don't think a father should have to pay every dime he makes on child support, plus insurance. The child support should be used for the insurance as well. Men are made to pay at a high rate, but the court doesn't take into consideration he has to live too. The caring for a child should be 50\50. They both laid down together to bring these children into this world, therefore they both are responsible for the children in the same respective. The father breaks his back to pay this, the other parent doesn't do much except lives in a nice home, drives brand new cars, dresses neatly, kids were second hand clothes and still calls Dad for money. The parent receiving the child support should have to send a monthly statement to the state with proof of where all the child support money went. The state should change the child support laws, stop treating Dads like they made the woman give birth just so they could leave. Sign this petition, it is time for change. SUPPORT DADS who care.