
Pass An Anti Terrorist Bill To Make Our Country Safer

Expel Radical Muslin Clerics From USA & Register All Semi Automatic Assult Weapsons With FBI

Dear Senators & Representives,

Let's work together regardless of your party line, to make America a safer country for all of us. I am an Independent voter. I understand you all have your own party agendas. But We The People need some common sense laws to protect us everyday Americans. We ask that you pass an anti-terrorist bill that allows the following:

1. Expel radical Muslim clerics, and radical clerics of other religion that is against the People Of United States, from this land, regardless of their immigration status.

2. Register all semi-automatic assult weapon (magazine larger than 15) purchases with the FBI, which will make those who purchase to kill us think twice, knowing that they are being watched.