Operation not so easy to take apart a family
Hello my name is Christina Perez in the little information I'm about to tell you just touches on a very small part of the unjust done to my kids and my husband and myself by CPSHello my name is Christina Perez and unfortunately this is the third time at DCS has gotten involved in my kids is in my husband and my life each time worse than the next each time we were ridiculed prosecuted chastised and told that we were unfit that we neglect our children we beat them and all kinds of things. We were told by many people that worked within DCs and third party contracted that we were being done unjust and wrong everybody says that they have broken the law again with us but this time it goes Way beyond any other time before and my experience with DCs when you go to a TDM they tell you that their mind is not made up but it already is we met three out of the five criteria to keep our kids in the home and do the program there was absolutely no reason in no grounds for GCS to remove our children again other than the word of my 14-year-old spoiled brat of a daughter that has threatened this numerous times before and when she doesn't get away she does this she was involved with dcis off and on for 5 years and not one of those times did she ever make any of these claims but as soon as she doesn't get her way all of a sudden here come all these supposed things we've done out of the dark. I did all the proper things I spoke to behavioral hospital that she got kicked out of I spoke with her school counselors that she kept getting kicked out of I even reached out to my old DCS case manager because they were still involved at that time and begged them to help me I told them I was very scared of my 14 year old daughter not only physically but mentally and manipulatively she abuses alcohol marijuana mushrooms and Lord knows what else she's very promiscuous and if you don't do what she says when she says it how she says it she will make your life a living hell and make everyone else suffer around her. The DCS did not move in a timely fashion from the very first time this case that they were called they showed up two days later and left the card on our door then another month and a half went by before they came out and did a meeting then they told us if we didn't hear from them in 2 weeks then the case would be over well two and a half months went by and nothing then all of a sudden we get a phone call from a new investigator saying oh I bet you thought this case was over well it wasn't and I want him then also that I was scared of my daughter doing something as daring is getting not only herself removed but her younger siblings also. I kept warning everybody and nobody wanted to listen and lo and behold this is what happened she's very beautiful to me she hit me kicks me hit my husband and kicked in his face that night this was the second incident regarding her just this time I had red marks and everything on my face and my arms my husband's mouth was bleeding and he still had her spit on his face when the police showed up once again DCS had been brought back into our life by now fault of our own we do not harm our kids we do not neglect our kids in fact we love our kids very much my parents were very extremely physically and mentally abusive so finally I got myself and the kids away from them for 6 years we've been not having any contact after this incident my daughter insisted that she go over there and stay with them even though there was claims by her and her older brother of sexual abuse which later proved to be a made-up story by both of them or so they say they as in DCs my children are trying to convince everyone that I was the one that orchestrated the story even though I have witnesses and documentation disregarding everything my children are saying nobody seems to want to listen I took two drug tests that I paid for myself $60 each and passed both of them my husband is a very hard worker and although we've both struggled with drug addiction in the past we have been cleaning sober for many years now and very proud of it. But somehow someway during an illegal search that a DCS case manager asked if he could look around and somehow ended up searching through my husband's belongings found old remnants of paraphernalia that we did not even know was there. And right after that it was over they did not want to hear anything we said and did not care what my younger children wanted and needed. They put us through 10 days of hell of my children going to my brother-in-law's at night and staying with me and my friend during the day nothing changed during those 10 days except for we drug test and passed my husband drug tested at PSI and another place and passed at the other place but not at PSI I drug tested and another place and I passed this is not the first time they have tampered with his test and they want us to admit that we're doing drugs but why would we admit something we are absolutely not doing and when we have the proof they disregard it I don't know what to do I'm scared because the people that are supposed to protect my children are the ones harming them the people that are supposed to help my family are the ones creating the distance and the extreme anxiety and fear I do have a lawyer along with my husband I explained to him as I am to you many of the situations but I am just scared because of prior cases with them that it will go the same way and will be in another two to three year long haul of drama and ridicule and lies. We never have been able to hire a real Street lawyer so I'm glad we were able to do so but we need help immediately my child is sleeping on the floor is a strange grandparents are stepping over him did not get to shower and they were very abusive when he was younger the case manager told him he only had to go there for 24 hours if he did not like it he would be remote my son did so reluctantly and told him the next day and every day since and he still has not been removed and I just don't know where to go from here what do you do when the people that are supposed to protect you and help you are the ones hurting you...
Attached is my most recent urinalysis drug test that I pay for myself because of for personal health issues and other issues I have with PSI drug test urinalysis.... I paid out-of-pocket for a 13 panel urination analysis drug screening. DCS was only asking for a 6 panel done by PSI I refuse to go to psi not only because of the way they conduct themselves but every time I go there whether I'm clean or not my test always come back dirty. That's what happened to my husband he is absolutely clean he goes to psi he comes up dirty he goes and goes to a different agency all of the same procedure and does more thorough job and he passes. Also I have attached a letter to Santa Claus this year from my 8 year old daughter that just broke my heart into a million pieces. CPS says they're all about the children and their safety I absolutely with all my heart do not believe that one bit I will translate the letter from my 8-year-old to Santa Claus if you need me to do so please take the time and read all of this and as I said before this is just a portion of what is being done. Thank you for taking the time to read this hopefully you can help my family reunite for the last and final time and get the people that are doing wrong in DCs placement kinship everything get them out of their industry and help them to stop playing God once again my name is Christina Perez my phone number is 602-705-1652 and this is my email you can reach me at any time we need is one person to hear our cries and reach out and help us please my kids need to be back home with me and their father where they belong.... I believe if the kids are not an extreme immediate danger that there should be at least a 90-day program where the kids can remain in the home and DCs is involved for those 90 days and if the parents completed successfully then the children remain in the home and easiest goes away if they do not then there will be a meeting to discuss what is the next step it is way too easy in Arizona for DCS to make up allegations their caseworkers to lie about incidences or things going on or not going on with the parents or inside the home there needs to be a way to stop this... Please support this 90-day in home program for the children and parents unless there is absolute immediate danger that is completely obvious or they have to meet 10 criteria to be able to just remove your kids and erase all contacts please families are continually being ripped apart for absolutely no reason and children that do need to be removed from the home or ending up dead
This is happened to my family three times it has gotten so bad that my 8-year-old daughter wrote a letter to Santa not asking for toys or anything fun or pretty for an 8 year old little girl but for Santa to bring the DCS workers their own children so they leave families alone. Please stop this unbearable pain stop these people playing God with family's lives give the parents an opportunity to become better parents with the child or children in the home again as long as there is absolute no immediate obvious danger
Attached is my most recent urinalysis drug test that I pay for myself because of for personal health issues and other issues I have with PSI drug test urinalysis.... I paid out-of-pocket for a 13 panel urination analysis drug screening. DCS was only asking for a 6 panel done by PSI I refuse to go to psi not only because of the way they conduct themselves but every time I go there whether I'm clean or not my test always come back dirty. That's what happened to my husband he is absolutely clean he goes to psi he comes up dirty he goes and goes to a different agency all of the same procedure and does more thorough job and he passes. Also I have attached a letter to Santa Claus this year from my 8 year old daughter that just broke my heart into a million pieces. CPS says they're all about the children and their safety I absolutely with all my heart do not believe that one bit I will translate the letter from my 8-year-old to Santa Claus if you need me to do so please take the time and read all of this and as I said before this is just a portion of what is being done. Thank you for taking the time to read this hopefully you can help my family reunite for the last and final time and get the people that are doing wrong in DCs placement kinship everything get them out of their industry and help them to stop playing God once again my name is Christina Perez my phone number is 602-705-1652 and this is my email you can reach me at any time we need is one person to hear our cries and reach out and help us please my kids need to be back home with me and their father where they belong.... I believe if the kids are not an extreme immediate danger that there should be at least a 90-day program where the kids can remain in the home and DCs is involved for those 90 days and if the parents completed successfully then the children remain in the home and easiest goes away if they do not then there will be a meeting to discuss what is the next step it is way too easy in Arizona for DCS to make up allegations their caseworkers to lie about incidences or things going on or not going on with the parents or inside the home there needs to be a way to stop this... Please support this 90-day in home program for the children and parents unless there is absolute immediate danger that is completely obvious or they have to meet 10 criteria to be able to just remove your kids and erase all contacts please families are continually being ripped apart for absolutely no reason and children that do need to be removed from the home or ending up dead
This is happened to my family three times it has gotten so bad that my 8-year-old daughter wrote a letter to Santa not asking for toys or anything fun or pretty for an 8 year old little girl but for Santa to bring the DCS workers their own children so they leave families alone. Please stop this unbearable pain stop these people playing God with family's lives give the parents an opportunity to become better parents with the child or children in the home again as long as there is absolute no immediate obvious danger
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