
Nurses fighting for their license

There is no doubt that many nurses are addicted, and need the VRP/PNAP program. This program is three (3) year long program. In which their license is revoked and they are unable to work as a nurse. Many people make mistakes and nurses are no different. Some make a mistake in which it is an isolated incident, but yet they're subjected to this program regardless of the incident being isolated or not. The nursing board offers everyone the same program and looks at nurses as a whole instead of individual cases. And they do this leaving nurses asking the question "what should I do now?"

Nurses work hard to obtain their license and for it to be stripped from you over a non work related incident/isolated incident is far to strict. Their should be options available to nurses who have made one mistake. For example a nurse gets a first offense DUI non work related and punishment is the same regardless if she was an addict or not. These policies are ineffective and actually do harm to non addicts rather than assist. It violates people's rights and can leave a nurse humiliated.

The program makes you attend meetings twice a week and submit to random urines and in addition to this program the nurse must also attend the ARD program which is court appointed. All cost are at the expense of the nurse. How is a person supposed to work or find a new job non related to nursing for (3) three years when their schedule is so restricted due to the nature of the program and all it requires one to do.

This wrecks havoc on one's life beyond the surface. These policies need to be looked at changed , adjusted , and or look at on a individual case rather than dumping people all in one category.