
Non-Offending non custodial parents rights


To Whom It May Concern;

Back In October 2013 my children were removed from their father's home by Butte County CPS. He had abused them again. I was not in the home because I moved to Washington State to better my life and gain stability so that I may get my children from him. I was on the phone with CPS the weeks prior to them removing my children from his home. There was nothing they could do until he actually did something. He finally did. My children have been in Foster Care in California for almost 9 months now. The Social Worker Aurora Navaro has lied in court stating that an ICPC had been requested from Washington State and A worker had been assigned. However when I called Cowlitz county here in Washington they had never heard of my children or myself. Now almost 9 months Later my ICPC was denied by washington state because of something my boyfriend (now we are not together) had done over 12 years ago. The DA in Butte County is submitting paperwork the end of this week to go after my ex-husband for 4-6 counts of felony child abuse and I have already informed Aurora Navarro of this and she is now allowing my ex-husband to have overnight visits. How is this justice for my children? They need to be with me. I am a non-offending parent. I am stable. I am their mother. Please tell me. What are my rights and where do I Find them. I am willing to go as far up the ladder as I need to go to have something done with this Social Worker. I feel She needs to be put in prision for endangering the welfare of my children by allowing them to go back to be with their father.