
No National Digital Health ID without Citizen Vote and Informed Consent

United States, under the lead of ONC, is launching a National Digital Health ID. They have mandated states to capture citizens full medical records without full informed consent. This is a state, national and global surveillance overreach (in conjunction with WHO &WEF) that poses serious national security risks and violates protected health information rights.

No one voted for this. No one is being notified about this. No one surrendered their protected privacy rights.

As a citizen of the United States, I urge you to:

1. Immediately pause all actions related to National Digital Health IDs and State Health Information Exchanges (HIE).
2. Separate powers as intended by the Constitution.
2. Bring this matter to Congress for public discussion, debate and vote.
3. Establish national policy under HIPAA requiring meaningful written informed consent for all releases of medical records to HIEs.
4. Exempt mental health from HIEs to protect privacy and confidentiality rights.

Please act now. Thank you.