
No more spring forward to Daylight Saving Time

New and latest Time Zone Map without Daylight Saving Time and rearranging time zones to have the best sunrises and sunset times throughout the year. North Dakota and South Dakota and Nebraska is better on mountain Time. Found true because of latitude and longitude. Rechecked when the sunrises and sunsets are in these locations throughout the year. Also put Michigan Indiana Ohio all of Kentucky and Tennessee on Central time. Now I have come to the final conclusion will let everyone know if anything else comes to mind.Was Maybe even thinking of putting Arizona on Pacific standard Time . But found if I did that sunsets in Tucson and Phoenix would be at 6:30 in the evening during the summer. But that might not be a bad idea because Tucson and Phoenix is very hot during the summer so residents there might not mind having sunset at 6:30 pm during the summer because of the intense heat