
No more bundled bills or bundled resolutions. One proposal per bill or resolution!

Stop bundling bills and resolutions. It is undemocratic to bundle bills. Each bill should be supported or passed on its own merit. NOT bundled in mass. Americans LOSE every time a servant of the people has to vote on a bundled bill. Representatives and/or Senators are forced to settle for crumbs for their constituents, as the bill they want passed is bundled with irrelevancies. Their is no transparency when you (hide) include benefits to the wealthy in a bill that is SUPPOSED to help struggling Americans. It is time for congress to WORK for the people they represent, no more BUNDLED Bills. Clear and concise bills for the people, not special orders for the top 1% bundled within a bill.
Be transparent with proposed bills and resolutions... One bill, for proposed legislation, not multiple proposals. NO BUNDLES!!